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Welcome Maxwell Miller

Jessy Raspiller

Maxwell was one of my first yoga teachers when I moved to Ventura.  He had an incredible impression on my limited knowledge of yoga at the time.  I'll never forgot the first time he taught my class "breath of fire" It expanded my understanding of what this practice was capable of and what I wanted to begin to understand.  He brings a wealth of wisdom to his teachings and to our team.

Maxwell has a reputation around town as TEACHER: VUSD, Surf Instructor for Ventura Makos, and now with VPUY teaching on his turf of choice; sand. Get to know Maxwell and how he came to be a predominant teacher in our community.


At the age of 19, Maxwell Miller found yoga as a way to complement his athletic lifestyle and to improve flexibility. Shortly thereafter it became an integral part of his life. Maxwell continued to evolve his practice for the next two years and then met his Guru, Yogi Hari. Maxwell went on to study at Yogi Hari’s Ashram in Mirimar Florida and completed his 200 hr yoga teacher training. He was then initiated as Yogi Hari’s disciple at the end of his stay at the ashram. Maxwell then went on to complete his 500 hr yoga teacher training with Yogi Hari. Maxwell received the title Yoga Acharya (Professor of Yoga). Maxwell teaches a traditional style of yoga that evolved from the Sivananda school.

Maxwell’s classes are designed to guide students to use their mental focus to come into harmony with the breath and flow from pose to pose. The class begins with a strengthening and heating series with a rigorous vinyasa flow, linked with various poses. After, this heat is applied to help to stretch the body deeply into more advanced asanas. As the body cools, the class concludes with a deep meditation/relaxation followed by chanting designed to purify and harmonize the body to increase radiant health and well-being. Maxwell is incredibly passionate about yoga and strives to make every class a unique and enlightening experience for each one of his students.

Please join him on Sundays at 8:30am at Solimar Beach in the sand beginning September 6th.

Download our scheduling app to register for Maxwells class here


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