Meet Melissa Kelly
Melissa has been a part of our community since the very beginning. I can recall the first class she came to, back when our Winter Home was a hardwood floor rental in Ventura Harbor... oh the good ol days.
Anyhow Melissa dove right into our community. You can even find some of her old blogs that she wrote for us... and I think we should have her write a blog about this award winning Jam she mentions at the end of her Q+A. We hosted a teacher training in 2017 and Melissa was one of the first to register. She knew she needed to share this practice that had helped transform her.
Melissa teaches our Wednesday 9:30am class at Marina Park, but you've likely caught her subbing our Sunday Soul class when Heather or I have been traveling.
In the meantime you can catch her weekly writing workshop she's hosting with Aum Vibe. You can sign up for her Wednesday evening offering here.
Get to know what makes Melissa shine:

Name: Melissa Kelly
B-day: June 17th
Hometown: Ojai
Tell us about the evolution of your yoga practice:Â
I started yoga because of a herniated disc and debilitating sciatica pain. I was literally bed ridden for weeks at a time. Over time, I realized how beneficial ti was, not only for my body, but also for my mind.
What’s one thing you wish you could tell yourself when you began your yoga practice:
I'm actually pretty content with how my personal practice developed. But I guess I could tell my early yogi self "crazy as it sounds, someday you actually be able to touch your toes... easily!" Who knew?!
Why do you teach yoga:Â
How it affected my entire life, literally was pretty dramatic and I feel very passionate of passing that along to others. Bringing the message that the simple act of stepping on a 3.5x5 piece of rubber can actually change your life, little by little, is very important part of my life's work.
How long have you taught: Since 2017
If you could have lunch with any inspiration individual (dead or alive) who and why:Â Â
One of my favorite poets, John O'Donohue. He passed away a few years ago. I love listening to any interviews that he did. His descriptions of our human experience, creation and the Divine, hits my soul like no other.
Favorite Treat: I love treats so this is hard but I do literally drive to Santa Monica for Side Car Donuts. Butter and Salt is one of my favorites!
Favorite Book:Â I'm a voracious reader so that is hard but Anne of Green Gables will always be a favorite of mine. Always. She is my absolute favorite fictional character.
How many countries have you been to: 12
Spirit Animal: Honeybee and Owls
One thing we don’t know about you:
I have won 1st, 2nd and honorable mention for my jams at the county fair!
We will await Melissa, Jam videos for our next Quarantine 2020 trend.