Yoga Mat- Deep Clean

I love all this rain we’ve been getting here in Ventura. While our outdoor practices have been limited, we’re just lucky to be able to do yoga outside in January. I've been noticing how dirty my mat ha been from the park classes lately. Our standard mat cleaner just wasn't cutting the mud that was stuck to it. I decided it was time for a deep clean for my mat and some of our park borrow mats.
How to Deep Clean Your Yoga Mat (guess I’m not the only one that needed a cleanse)
Fill your bathtub with warm water.

Add detergent. Make sure it is dye free.

Toss in your yoga mat. A sponge can come in handy to get any deep rooted dirt and grime.

Drain the tub and give your mat a thorough rinse to remove any lingering soap.
I typically roll my mat around a towel to give it a good ring out. Then you can hang it over a doorway or out of direct sunlight outside.

Use our Homemade Mat Cleaner to help keep your mat clean in between baths.