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"We need to do a better job of putting ourselves higher on our own 'to-do' list"
-Michelle Obama

The VPUY Team has pulled together some of their favorite go to resources that we all lean into to replenish, renew and support our vitality

Self-care: is any activity that we do deliberately in order to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. 

Our culture has become dependent on leaning into others to facilitate many of our self-care practices; ie nails, massages, hair, etc but self-care that is self administered is so much more revitalizing.

Ayurveda [äyərˈvādə] is often simplified to the "sister science" to yoga, but the true essence of Ayurveda is the "knowledge of life". Through Ayurvedic practices we begin to bring a deep enriching knowledge of the quality of our living.

Ayurveda is made up of 3 Doshas or Body Constitutions: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha.  By learning your Dosha make up you can begin to integrate a wealth of new self care practices from cooking for your body, to daily routines, at home self massage practices, etc.

Our founder Jessy Raspiller put this short self care "Ayurvedic Massage" video together for her students.  

We invite you to dive in.  You can find out more about what Dosha Types you are with this free quiz courtesy of Bayan Botanicals

Meditation: is the art of mindfully watching the mind.

We often think of meditation as this stagnate activity where we must stop the mind. Those moments when the mind can be still are wonderful, but the truth is meditation is actually more more of an observation.  What are my thoughts? Am I stuck in a 'thought loop'? Do I need to shift my awareness to something positive or is this something I should explore?

Meditation or the benefits of meditation can be found in the everyday tasks we undertake.  We can take walking meditations, surfing can become a meditation, and we've all heard of a 'runners high'.  We can even turn doing the dishes into a meditation practice. The key is INTENTION.

Meditation Resources:

Insight Timer.png

 Free app for sleep, anxiety and stress.


Tara is a Ph.D, psychologist, author and teacher of meditation, emotional healing and spiritual awakening.

Sam Harris.jpg

Author of Mindfulness: A Practical Guide to Awakening and One Dharma.

Mind Expanding

“It is what you read when you

don't have to that determines

what you will be when you

can't help it.” 
― Oscar Wilde


One :: One

Take your practice deeper.  

Study privately with a teacher


Jessy Raspiller

Energetic + Intuitive Teachings

Jessy believes our greater gift is the connection to our Intuition.  For years she's been working with private clients to activate and engage a deeper sense of self and the unique gifts that life holds within.


Emily Dixon

Yoga Teacher

Emily is currently offering evening and weekend private yoga classes.  All classes are held outdoors and in compliance with social distancing guidelines.  Lessons will be focused on the client's personal goals.

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