Life Qi Fusions
An ancient hands on bodywork technique that works at the cellular level of the body.
Service Description
Life Qi Fusion is for those ready to go deeper + find deep resolution within. A blend of Jessy's 4 year mentorship into Life Qi Renewal combined with the Aroma Fusion work we've become known for. /// Life Qi protocols connect to the energy map of your body to work towards the root cause of chronic challenges; physical pain, limiting beliefs, communication, relationship patterns, anxiety, etc. What Can I Expect: A variety of hands on techniques are used: Manual Cupping, Tapping, Open Hand + Fists that generate Qi flow. As the physical sensations awaken in the body we will lean into the Essential Oils and Conscious Line of Questioning to support resolutions. Life Qi is deep bodywork. Just as in a deep massage we can hit “pain points” in the body where discomfort arises. It is the tendency in our human nature to tense up when pain arises. Through Life Qi protocols you’ll learn to witness the pain you carry + breathe “out with the old, in with the new” Based on your unique session we begin to "unknot" associations with old patterns. Within these old patterns we can uncover the root cause of deep discomfort that's been held in the body. As we move through our session we explore new habits that will continue to support yourself in times of discomfort long after our time together has ended. **This is a clothes on session. Please wear comfortable attire. No denim.
Cancellation Policy
Session cancellations are required by no less than 24. Please note that as a small business we do our best to accommodate as many clients as we can each week. Cancelations can always be accommodated but we request advanced notice to attempt to fill your spot
Contact Details
1548 East Main Street, Ventura, CA 93001, USA